APC/Publication Fee

As an open-access journal committed to the global dissemination of scientific knowledge, "SciWaveBulletin" operates with the following Article Processing Charges (APC) and Publication Fee policy.

  1. Fee Waiver until December 2024:

100% Waveoff / Free Publication: Until December 2024, "SciWaveBulletin" offers a 100% waiver or free publication for all submitted manuscripts.

  1. Standard APC after December 2024:

2.1. APC for Regular Publication:

Starting January 2025, the APC for each published paper is $100 USD.

2.2. Discounts for Low and Middle-Income Countries:

  • For authors from low-income countries, there is a 40% discount on the standard APC.
  • For authors from middle-income countries, there is a 30% discount on the standard APC.
  1. Special Conditions for Conference and Special Issues:

3.1. Same Conditions Apply: The APC for Conference and Special Issues follows the same conditions as regular publications.

3.2. Institutional Proposals: For conference and special issues with institutional proposals, additional discounts can be discussed with the publisher on a case-by-case basis.

  1. How to Apply for Waiver or Discount:

4.1. During Submission: Authors can indicate their eligibility for a waiver or discount during the submission process.

4.2. Upon Acceptance: Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors will receive instructions on how to proceed with the payment process or waiver application.

  1. Payment Process:

5.1. Payment Deadline: Authors are required to complete the payment process within the specified deadline provided upon acceptance.

5.2. Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods include [Accepted Payment Methods, e.g., credit card, bank transfer].

  1. Contact Information: For inquiries or assistance regarding APC, waivers, or discounts, please contact our editorial team at info@sciwavebulletin.com.
  2. Policy Acknowledgment: Authors submitting manuscripts to "SciWaveBulletin" acknowledge that they have read and understood the APC/Publication Fee Policy and agree to its terms.

By submitting a manuscript to "SciWaveBulletin," authors acknowledge and agree to follow the outlined APC/Publication Fee policy.