Subscription Policy

"SciWaveBulletin" is pleased to offer a subscription policy that provides individuals and institutions with access to our high-quality content. This policy outlines the subscription rates for our regular issues, special issues, and conference issues.

  1. Regular Issues Subscription:

1.1. Frequency: "SciWaveBulletin" publishes four regular issues per year, excluding special and conference issues.

1.2. Subscription Fee: The annual subscription fee for regular issues is $100 USD per year, excluding postage charges.

1.3. Discounts for Eligible Countries:

  • For individuals from low-income countries, there is a 50% discount on the annual subscription fee.
  • For individuals from middle-income countries, there is a 30% discount on the annual subscription fee.
  1. Institutional Subscriptions:

2.1. Discount Discussions: Institutional subscribers are encouraged to discuss potential discounts with the publisher based on the volume of subscriptions and institutional needs.

  1. Special and Conference Issues Subscription:

3.1. Subscription Fee: The subscription fee for each special issue and conference issue is $20 USD per issue, excluding postage charges.

  1. How to Subscribe:

4.1. Individual Subscribers: Individuals can subscribe to "SciWaveBulletin" by completing the online subscription process and selecting the appropriate subscription type.

4.2. Institutional Subscribers: Institutions interested in subscribing should contact our editorial team at to discuss institutional rates and benefits.

  1. Payment Process:

5.1. Payment Deadline: Subscribers are required to complete the payment process within the specified deadline.

5.2. Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods include [Specify Accepted Payment Methods, e.g., credit card, bank transfer].

  1. Contact Information: For subscription inquiries or assistance, please contact our editorial team at
  2. Policy Acknowledgment: Subscribers to "SciWaveBulletin" acknowledge that they have read and understood the Subscription Policy and agree to its terms.

By subscribing to "SciWaveBulletin," individuals and institutions acknowledge and agree to follow the outlined subscription policy.