Peer Review Process

  1. Initial Submission Evaluation:
  • Submission Received: Once a manuscript is submitted via the OJS platform, the editorial office acknowledges its receipt.
  • Editorial Screening: The submitted manuscript undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team to check for adherence to submission guidelines, ethical compliance, and overall suitability for the journal.
  1. Peer Review Assignment:
  • Reviewer Selection: Appropriate peer reviewers are selected based on their expertise and alignment with the manuscript's subject matter.
  • Double-Blind Review: "SciWaveBulletin" follows a double-blind peer review process, where the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential.
  1. Peer Review:
  • Review and Evaluation: Peer reviewers assess the manuscript for scientific quality, validity, originality, clarity, and significance. Reviewers provide constructive feedback and recommendations to the authors.
  • Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers may recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection, along with detailed comments.
  • Authors' Response: Authors are given the opportunity to revise their manuscript based on reviewers' feedback and provide a detailed response to the reviewers' comments.
  1. Editorial Decision:
  • Editorial Evaluation: The Editor-in-Chief and Executive/Associate Editors evaluate the reviewers' comments, authors' responses, and the revised manuscript.
  • Decision Outcomes: Possible decisions include acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, acceptance with major revisions, resubmission for a new review, or rejection.
  1. Final Steps:
  • Author Notification: Authors are informed of the editorial decision, along with reviewers' comments and recommendations.
  • Production and Publication: If accepted, the manuscript goes through production processes, such as copyediting and formatting, before being published online.
  1. Continuous Improvement: "SciWaveBulletin" is committed to upholding high standards in peer review. Feedback from reviewers and authors is used to improve the journal's peer review process continually.

Ethical Considerations: The journal adheres to ethical standards and guidelines, including those outlined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Confidentiality and transparency are maintained throughout the peer review process.

Reviewer Acknowledgment: "SciWaveBulletin" is grateful to its dedicated peer reviewers for their valuable contributions to maintaining the quality and integrity of published research.

For any inquiries or concerns related to the peer review process, please contact the editorial team at