Complaints And Appeals

"SciWaveBulletin" is committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency, fairness, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal. This policy outlines the procedures for submitting complaints or appeals related to the editorial and publishing processes.

  1. Types of Concerns:

1.1. Complaints: A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction with a specific aspect of the editorial or publishing process.

1.2. Appeals: An appeal is a request for a formal review of an editorial or publishing decision, such as manuscript rejection.

  1. Submission Process:

2.1. Submitting a Complaint or Appeal: Authors, reviewers, or other stakeholders with concerns should submit a formal complaint or appeal to

2.2. Include Details: Provide detailed information regarding the nature of the complaint or appeal, including relevant manuscript details and a clear description of the concern.

  1. Editorial Review:

3.1. Review and Acknowledgment: Upon receipt of a complaint or appeal, the editorial team will conduct a thorough review and acknowledge the submission.

3.2. Investigation: The editorial team will investigate the concerns raised and seek additional information if necessary.

  1. Decision and Communication:

4.1. Decision Outcome: The editorial team will provide a decision based on the outcome of the review and investigation.

4.2. Communication: The decision will be communicated to the individual who submitted the complaint or appeal in a timely manner.

  1. Further Appeal: If Dissatisfied: If the individual remains dissatisfied with the outcome, they may submit a further appeal, which will be reviewed by an independent party not involved in the initial process.
  2. Confidentiality: Maintaining Confidentiality: All complaints and appeals will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Information will only be shared with individuals directly involved in the resolution process.
  3. Contact Information: For complaints or appeals, please contact our editorial team at
  4. Policy Acknowledgment: Individuals submitting complaints or appeals to "SciWaveBulletin" acknowledge that they have read and understood the Complaints and Appeals Policy and agree to its terms.

By submitting a complaint or appeal to "SciWaveBulletin," individuals acknowledge and agree to follow the outlined procedures.