Content License Policy

"SciWaveBulletin" is committed to open access and the free dissemination of knowledge. To facilitate this, authors are required to grant a license for the distribution and use of their published work. This Content License Policy outlines the terms under which authors agree to license their work when submitting manuscripts to "SciWaveBulletin."

  1. Content License Options: Authors submitting manuscripts to "SciWaveBulletin" may choose from the following content license options:

1.1. Creative Commons License (Recommended):

  • Authors may choose a Creative Commons license that aligns with their preferences. The recommended license is Creative Commons license, CC BY 4.0 which allows others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and derivative works based upon it, but only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.

1.2. Journal's Default License (if applicable):

  • If authors do not choose a specific license, the default license applied by "SciWaveBulletin" is CC BY-NC-SA  under, CC BY 4.0. Authors are encouraged to review and understand the implications of this default license.
  1. Author's Agreement: By submitting a manuscript to "SciWaveBulletin," authors agree to the following:

2.1. Grant of License: Authors grant "SciWaveBulletin" a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and archive their work.

2.2. Selected License: If authors choose a specific license, they grant users the rights specified by that license.

  1. Access and Distribution:

3.1. Open Access: "SciWaveBulletin" is an open-access journal. Published works are freely available to the public, promoting global access to scientific knowledge.

3.2. Attribution: Authors and the journal must be appropriately credited for the original work.

  1. Retention of Rights: Authors retain copyright to their work. The license granted to "SciWaveBulletin" is non-exclusive, and authors may reuse, republish, and reproduce their work.
  2. Compliance: Authors are responsible for ensuring that any material used in their work (such as images, figures, or text excerpts) complies with copyright regulations.
  3. Contact Information: For inquiries or concerns related to the Content License Policy, please contact our editorial team at

By submitting a manuscript to "SciWaveBulletin," authors acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Content License Policy.