
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation:

  • File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word or another compatible format.
  • Title Page: Include the title of the manuscript, author names, affiliations, and contact information for corresponding authors.
  • Abstract: Provide a structured abstract with a maximum word count of 300 words.
  • Keywords: Include up to 10 keywords or phrases for indexing purposes.
  • Manuscript Length: Manuscripts should generally be between 4 pages and 15 pages. However, exceptions may be made for certain article types (e.g., reviews, and opinion pieces).
  • Font and Style: Use a clear and consistent font Title: Calibri Bold, 24 points, Author names: Calibri Bold, 12 points, Authors affiliation and emails: Times New Roman Bold, italic, 9-point, all headings: Calibri Uppercase Bold, 11 points, all subheadings: Calibri Capitalize each word, Bold, 11-Points, remaining text should be Times New Roman, 11-Poits and single-spacing throughout. Follow the APA style of citation and reference.
  • Figures and Tables:
  • Inclusion: Figures and tables should be relevant and necessary for the manuscript.
  • Quality: Ensure high-resolution and legible figures and tables.
  • Captions: Include descriptive captions for all figures and tables.
  • Copyright Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted figures or tables.


  1. Citation Style: Follow the specific citation and reference style guidelines outlined in the APA Style Guide for your field.
  2. Formatting: Ensure references are properly formatted, including authors' names, article titles, journal names, and page numbers.

Submission Process:

  1. Online Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted through the online submission system via OJS. Please visit
  2. Author Registration: Authors need to register on the OJS platform before submitting a manuscript. If you're a first-time user, you can create an account
  3. Submission Form: Follow the step-by-step submission process, providing all required information, such as the manuscript file, title, authors, and keywords.

Review and Publication Process:

  1. Peer Review: Submitted manuscripts will undergo a peer review process. Authors can track the progress of their submissions through the OJS platform.
  2. Editorial Decision: After peer review, authors will be informed of the editorial decision, including revisions, acceptance, or rejection.
  3. Publication: Once accepted, the manuscript will be prepared for publication, and authors will be notified of the publication date.

Copyright and Licensing:

  1. Authors' Rights: Authors retain copyright to their work but grant "SciWaveBulletin" a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and archive their work.
  2. Open Access: "SciWaveBulletin" is an open-access journal, and all content is available to readers at no cost.

Contact Information:

For any questions or assistance during the submission process, please contact our editorial team at Journal Editorial Team: and for Publisher EduPub Nexus:

Additional Information:

  • For additional details on the journal's specific policies, including any article processing charges (APCs), please visit our journal’s POLICIES page at
  • For more information on how to submit through OJS, please visit
  • Authors are encouraged to review the journal's ethical guidelines and ensure compliance with relevant ethical standards.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.