Ethical Conduct Policy

  1. Animal Ethics: "SciWaveBulletin" is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in research involving animals. Authors submitting manuscripts that involve the use of animals must adhere to the following policies:

1.1. Ethical Approval: Authors must provide evidence of obtaining ethical approval from an appropriate ethics review board or committee.

1.2. Humane Treatment: The welfare of animals involved in the study must be prioritized, and all procedures should be conducted in a manner that minimizes discomfort, harm, and stress.

1.3. Full Disclosure: Authors must provide detailed information regarding the procedures performed on animals, including anesthetic and surgical techniques, to ensure transparency and reproducibility.

  1. Human Ethics: "SciWaveBulletin" places a strong emphasis on ethical conduct in research involving human participants. Authors must adhere to the following ethical guidelines:

2.1. Informed Consent: Authors must confirm that informed consent was obtained from all human participants involved in the study. The consent process should be documented, and participants should be fully informed about the nature of the research.

2.2. Confidentiality: Authors must ensure the confidentiality of participant information. Any potentially identifying information should be handled with the utmost care to protect the privacy of individuals.

2.3. Approval by Ethics Review Board: Authors must provide evidence of obtaining ethical approval for research involving human participants from an appropriate ethics review board or committee.

  1. Declaration by Authors: Authors submitting manuscripts to "SciWaveBulletin" affirm that they have complied with the ethical guidelines outlined above. Non-compliance with these ethical standards may result in the rejection of the manuscript or other appropriate actions.
  2. Reporting Ethical Concerns: Any concerns or violations of ethical standards should be reported to the editorial team of "SciWaveBulletin" promptly. The journal is committed to addressing ethical concerns in a timely and responsible manner.

Contact Information: For inquiries or concerns related to animal and human ethical conduct policies, please contact our editorial team at

These ethical guidelines are designed to ensure the responsible and humane conduct of research and to maintain the integrity and credibility of the scientific community. Authors are encouraged to review these policies carefully and incorporate them into their research practices.